Embark on a farm adventure with Disney's Mickey Mouse and the Barnyard Fun Tractor! This delightful set features Mickey Mouse dressed as a farmer, ready to explore the barnyard with his trusty tractor. With a trailer attachment and adorable farm animal figurines, kids can immerse themselves in imaginative play, loading hay and transporting animals around the farm. Ideal for Disney Junior fans, this set sparks creativity and provides endless entertainment.
- Includes a 7.6cm tall Mickey Mouse figurine dressed as a farmer.
- Tractor comes with a trailer attachment for hauling hay and transporting farm animals.
- Encourages imaginative play, allowing kids to create their barnyard scenes.
- Perfect gift for Disney Junior fans, fostering creativity and storytelling.
- High-quality construction ensures durability for long-lasting playtime fun.
- 1 x tractor
- 1 x trailer attachment
- 1 x Disney Mickey Mouse figurine
- 1 x Chicken
- 2 x Hay accessory pieces